Explore Fine Art with

Terryl Wilder

Create. Inspire. Transform.

Art is the bridge between imagination and reality—claim a piece that resonates deeply with your spirit and your dreams." —Terryl Wilder

Colorful landscape painting of a forest scene with a flowing stream, rocks, and trees.

Nestled in the heart of Oregon, Terryl Wilder paints from a light-filled studio—a converted garage with breathtaking views of Mt. St. Helens. Each morning begins with a cup of coffee, drawing inspiration from the ever-changing colors and textures of the majestic mountains.

Terryl begins her process by studying her sources—analyzing the color, subject, depth, and unique qualities of each, with a color wheel guiding her choices. Deciding which materials to use—oils, acrylics, spray paints, and markers—she embarks on an intuitive journey, trusting the creative process and discovering each next step as it unfolds. Her contemporary works emerge as lustrous, stunning, and evocative, inviting viewers to connect deeply and discover their own stories reflected in each piece.

Exciting adventures await as Terryl launches her YouTube channel. She’ll be traveling, teaching art in Brazil, and gathering fresh inspiration for her next creative journey.